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Local Writers Workshop - Library
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Saturday, August 19, 2017 | 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Marvin Auditorium Adults

Calling all writers for our 4th annual morning of workshops! We’re so proud to offer a high quality morning of workshops for writers, absolutely free. Topics are a mix of craft and business, and we design the workshop to be relevant to a wide range of writers, from those just starting out to those who are already publishing.

Doors open at 8:30 for sign in and refreshments. Arrive early to grab a good seat! Presentations begin promptly at 9.

Thomas Fox Averill Find a Plot/Write a Story | 9:10-9:35 Like DNA, where we have a limited number of chromosomes to work with, stories only have so many possible plot elements. Yet each story, like each human being, is so different. Stories are unique, then, not because of the building blocks, but because of what we do with them. This workshop will encourage writers to use known story structures as a basis for creating unique and interesting fiction that focuses on metaphor and character above the least important part of a story--the plot. Thomas Fox Averill is an O. Henry Award-winning short story writer and the author of three story collections and five novels (the fifth, Found Documents from the Unconventional Life of Nell Johnson Doerr, is forthcoming in January 2018). He is Professor Emeritus of English at Washburn University, where he taught courses in Creative Writing and Kansas Literature, Folklore, and Film, and where he founded and was first director of the Washburn Center for Kansas Studies. He is the creator of the Map of Kansas Literature and the Thomas Fox Averill Kansas Studies Collection at Washburn’s Mabee Library. Averill takes pleasure in promoting Kansas writers and literature across the media spectrum.

Karl Janssen Jacket Required: On Book Cover Design | 9:40-10:05 Perhaps you can’t judge a book by its cover, but there’s no denying that an attractive and eye-catching cover design can go a long way toward attracting readers, educating them about your book’s contents, and selling copies. Whether you’re planning to design your own or hire someone to do the job, this presentation will cover what makes an effective book cover, where to look for art and artists, tips for dealing with freelance designers, and other issues related to your book’s visual presentation. Karl Janssen is art director and webmaster at the University Press of Kansas, where he manages all matters pertaining to graphic design, including the design of books and book covers. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in graphic design from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and has worked in book design for over 20 years. He is also a recent graduate of Emporia State University with a Master of Library Science degree.

Chris Blocker Reflections on Reviewing: Grow Your Talent, Build Your Community | 10:10-10:35 Sharpen your writing skills and increase your market knowledge by crafting book reviews for social media. Through reading and analysis, you have the opportunity to better understand what publishers are seeking. With each published review, you reach an expansive audience with similar interests. In this workshop, we’ll explore how to get your reviews noticed without alienating potential readers. We’ll also consider the big picture: how reviews can strengthen the broader community of writers.

Matt Spezia The 3 P's of Performance | 11:00-11:25 Slam poetry requires more than great words—the poet delivers a performance. Matt Spezia, national award winning poetry slam champion, will coach you on how to use the 3 "P's" of performance to take your stage show and content to the next level. Matt Spezia is a national powerhouse of lyrical ability, combining a multi award winning poetry style, Kansas City hip hop, and thespian teachings. This artist has 2 albums a published book, and he recently completed a summer tour that consisted of 22 shows in 2 months. Spezia uses his platform and his art to promote self confidence and betterment, social awareness, and cultural change. He also hosts 2 weekly national award winning radio shows. He is a proud Washburn University Ichabod, with a dual business major in marketing and entrepreneurship.

Carol Yoho Kansas Authors Club: History and Opportunities | 11:30-11:55 Kansas Authors Club is the oldest writers group existing in the U.S. Founded in 1904 in Topeka by a group of professional writers, the group expanded statewide. It now has six districts across the state, holds an annual October state convention with helpful workshops, a banquet, and announcement of winners in KAC’s annual writing contest, annual books awards and service awards. KAC also sponsor an annual writing contest and a poetry contest for youth and produces a book yearly of Youth Writing Award winners. Long-time KAC member and past state web site manager Carol Yoho will share how the Kansas Authors Club supports a wide range of authors, from emerging to established. She’ll reflect on the history of this group, the opportunities of membership, the intent of this group to be inclusive, and the challenge of a creative “Artistic Conspiracy,” project teaming our writer-members with artists in Topeka for an eventual Art-And-Words public gallery exhibition. Carol Yoho counts local and regional writers among her best friends. As a graphic artist, she became involved with KAC via her support of her writer-husband, Max Yoho, in publishing his five novels and a collection of short stories/essays/poems. Max had been a long-time member of KAC when she moved home to Topeka to marry him. She joined him as a member in 2000. Carol taught as adjunct faculty at Washburn University and helped English instructor Tom Averill publish his “Map of Kansas Literature” onto the internet. (The site currently features 155 Kansas authors.) Carol designed KAC’s web site, produced the group’s logo, worked closely with the organization’s state leadership, attended annual conventions, nominated others for KAC Service Awards, and won some of her own. She submits short examples of her own writing for publication in each year’s KAC Yearbook, and is equally supportive of the activities of District One, which meets monthly in Topeka.

Stephanie Hansen Traditional Publishing--Insight from an Agent | 12:00-12:25 An agent can give authors updates on an ever-changing industry, tips about the best-suited publishers for a particular book style, and legal advice about publishing contracts. During my journey as an agent, I've represented authors ranging from debut to bestselling, and have reviewed and negotiated multiple contracts. The knowledge I've gained along the way has prepared me to offer you tips and guidance in traditional publishing from an insider's perspective, so you'll know what to expect. Stephanie Hansen represents debut to New York Times bestselling authors. She's signed authors with small presses to major publishing house distribution. She received her Master’s in 2008 and Creative Writing Specialization in 2017. Predominately she represents YA SF/F but has a secret addiction for romance. While these are her favorite, she handles everything fiction from children's books to adult thrillers. Previously an editor for Mind’s Eye Literary Magazine, she became a part of Metamorphosis July 2016. Originally looking to help Midwest authors garner the attention of major publishing houses, despite residing in "flyover states", she found camaraderie with multiple agents and editors. @hansenwriter https://www.metamorphosisliteraryagency.com/

**Lunch and Networking | 12:30-1:30**

Don Welborn Re-editing My Edited Edits: Revision and the Poetic Process Don Welborn, 2012 Kansas Cowboy Poetry champion, will discuss his editing process and how he knows when each poem is finished. Sponsored by the Kansas Authors Club. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info.

Location 1515 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, KS 66605

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