Coming Soon
Restaurant food and drink specials!
When: February 11th, 2017
Where: Carbondale City Hall
234 Main Street
Carbondale, KS
Time: 9am-6pm
Cost: $10 per person—includes lunch (Soup/Chili and Salad) -Please feel free to bring a snack item to share!
Hosted by: Dixie Cravens & Ann-Marie Bevel:
Stampin’ Up Independent Demonstrators
RSVP by Feb 3rd to
Dixie Cravens: Phone: 785-207-8269
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ann-Marie Bevel: Phone: 785-969-6306
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please Mail Payments to: Dixie Cravens
369 W. 125th St.
Carbondale, KS 66414
What to Bring: Bring your current project(s) scrapbooks, cards, 3D projects, etc.
Beverage of choice (please use lidded cups!)
Can leave questions on this FB invite too