Drink Specials

Artistic Techniques for Teens
Monday, July 22, 2019


With 18 years experience as a high school art teacher, Michael Mize is uniquely equipped to help guide teen artists. This class was specifically devised to equip students with a wealth of different artistic techniques and approaches using a variety of different tools and media.

Each month the class will be themed around specific topics, techniques, and materials. This will provide ample studio time and instruction for students to become familiar with the various materials and methods. It will also afford them a chance to utilize the assorted media in a number of different stylistic applications. In addition, there will be an opportunity for students to make suggestions for future materials or techniques to explore as a class.

This is a great opportunity for teen artists to meet, connect, and inspire one another!

The weekly class fee of $25 covers professional instruction, use of studio space, and all of the supplies.
There is a $10 discount when paying for the eintire month on or before the first class each month.

Students only need to sign up once and then are free to attend however often they'd like.

Location 5307 SW 14th St

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